Awful Architecture in Toronto

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hey kids! Colour-riffic architecture!

Now this is just plain stupid. As if the CN Tower wasn't an overbearing presence on the skyline already, the geniuses who manage it are going to make it a cartoon version of itself -- a gaudy, candy-coloured eyesore of an overbearing presence. Why, oh why, are we not surprised? Maybe because, in Toronto's try-hard urges for architectural acceptance, it'll do almost anything to get noticed -- actual aesthetic and contextual acumen be damned? (see, Crystal, ROM, for further detail.)

We're not fond of the tower and its try-hard genesis in general. Buildings built with the express purpose of being landmarks rarely become them in any genuine sense; they just meander along with their 'hey, look at me!' sign permanently affixed -- which is so, so sad, really, and which the colour-iffic silliness we see here just serves to highlight.

We don't hate the goofy old tower, per se; it's kind of cute, in the slow-kid-at-school sort of way. As to the nonsense depicted above, though, we think Torontoist said it best, with the new LED lighting system "dramatically transforming a brilliant exercise in modernist subtlety into a cheap, plastic martini spear." They go on to say "(w)e think that whatever happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas." Amen to that, brother. Word.

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